

Lysanthir Leaves-that-Sing


Faeryn's former master

Leaves owns an opera house, and he's very connected in the art world. He's been doing scarification for a while, but Faeryn is his first living art project. They were a bit of an impulse purchase. He'd been looking to replace his last administrative assistant, but Faeryn caught his eye. He had only just become stilled enough consider such a large scale project. He's outgoing and charismatic, with some Machiavellian tendencies. He cycles through several low - moderate commitment romantic relationships, usually maintaining multiple at a time.




Kovach and Faeryn briefly met during their respective durances. Leaves would go to the dueling arena from time to time, and brought Faeryn with him to show off. Leaves and Kovach's master were in a loose relationship, and they'd flirt and talk about high society while watching the duels. During one of these conversations, Kovach's master shared that Kovach had willingly joined the Bound, and had actively seeked out a durance as a duelist. Though Faeryn and Kovach were left alone in Leaves's private box a few times, they never spoke. Faeryn was under orders to not move or speak, and they took it seriously.

Kovach and Faeryn would meet again, once Faeryn was a few months out of their durance. Kovach was acting as a vigilante, and killed Faeryn's dealer. Faeryn tracked him down to a bar later that night, and the two went on a mini quest to recover the drugs from the dealer's body, which sat at the bottom of a hundred story drop.

Aster Thorns-of-the-Rose



Aster is Faeryn's occasional smoking buddy. He grew up in high society, but is estranged from his parents. He originally moved to Ivory Circle on his parent's money, but during his first year there, he came to two important realizations. The first was that the Drow don't deserve to be subjugated and treated as an underclass, and he wanted to use his art as political activism. Shortly after, he came to the second realization: none of the artists he was surrounded by had any interest in doing anything with their art beyond making it and funding their bohiemian lifestyle. Now he's living in middle city to afford his bills while making a name for himself painting. He's pretty progressive for an Aelfir. He doesn't ipathize with the Drow experience of oppression, but he intellectually understands it's bad. He and Faeryn like to make fun of Aelfir high society together.

Aster and Faeryn met at a small theater show of a play Faeryn had found in the Vermissian. Aster vaguely knew the director, and correctly predicted the production would be artistically vapid. He struck up a conversation during intermission, and they ditched the second act.




Cas is a Vermissian Sage and ministry operative. She first alerted the ministry to Faeryn's research, and Faeryn studied with her during their initiation. Cas works for the fire department, tracking down people who would start fires in alternate timelines and killing them before they can damage her native Spire.